Speed Date, 2022, 8’ x 8’, drywall, acrylic and house paint, wood, foam, tablet, headphones.
This freestanding wall was the centrepiece of The Wait is Long, My Dream of You Does Not End.
Speed DateSpeed Date, mural detail.Wall of Parasocial Relationships, 2021, approx. 8’ x 8’ x 4’, installation view feat. Crush God video. Paper mâché, cardboard, garbage, ikea side table, acrylic and house paint, oil on found candle, blue tansy beeswax candle, 2021.
Wall of Parasocial RelationshipsWall of Parasocial Relationships, detail feat. blue tansy beeswax candle made by Cotey Pope.Wall of Parasocial Relationships, detail feat. “stone” path.Wall of Parasocial Relationships, detail feat. The Audience, oil paint on found candle.The Audience candle, alternate view.Fear Job, 2021, 14.5” x 22”, plastic beads and fishing line. A New Jazzy Sassy Me, 2021, 12” x 20”, plastic beads, fishing line, acrylic rod.Jail from a Dream, 2019, dimensions variable, paper mâché jail bars, snake, rat, and skull; acrylic on bedsheet backdrop, acrylic on canvas reversible butterfly, paper pulp necklace, wooden sculptural pins.Jail from a Dream, butterfly.
Do I Have to Lie to my Diary, 2019, pencil crayon on paper, full-body sculptural self-portrait: paper mâché, plaster, chicken wire, acrylic paint.
Do I have to Lie to my Diary, detail.Do I have to Lie to my Diary, window view.Do I have to Lie to my Diary, detail.Do I have to Lie to my Diary, two-faced detail.
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